It took me a while to understand as so much had been spent to travel and yet we are overly busy to snap shot our existence in every backdrops of scenery captured in the travel photos. Do we really need to proof we had indeed arrived at the destination?
Do we need to proof our existence? If not, why do we dwell in the dilemma of proof, given the beauty of a place, enjoying its spirit in form, smell, sound and essence of senses. Some times, simply difficult to even put into writings, let alone words of wisdom. Indeed life as we traveled, is the scenery of existence that most had taken for granted.
Perhaps we need to snap shot such proof of life in the photo of our existence consciously reminding myself as I had lived to see the world and I had lived long to tell a tale, but yet not long enough to behold its changes. Yes, from the generation of now to the others. Perhaps the sky no longer blue, sea no longer blue and the grass no longer green.
Until such a time, I knew for sure, I had lived to proof my existence. That the photo is no longer my tool of remembrance. Perhaps, memory itself is the very proof of the existence I had been bestowed upon. Yet, vividly be my companion of sorrow and happiness.
Perhaps all I need is drinking tea, living LIFE...